Sherborne Historical Society Logo

Join Sherborne Historical Society Here

The Society welcomes new members. We have a system of online registration and subscription payment.

If you would like to become a member please complete the form below. You can then pay your subscription online by credit or debit card or offline by cheque or cash. It will cover the current season of 12 talks starting at the end of September and finishing at the end of March the following year.

There is no modification for later entry and those who join with only three or four talks to go in the current season may decide to hold off until the next season which will open on 1st April.

Entry to existing individual talks is available on payment of the one time talk fee.

For new members who are less comfortable with paying online, paper remittance forms are available at our talks or from the Membership Secretary

  • If you are an existing member but do not have a password? Get your password here.

The information you provide will be held on computer and the data will be used solely for administrative purposes by the Society and will not be shared with any person or organisation for any other purpose.

A copy of our Privacy Policy is available on request.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required